Well, I got to the end of the table, and, there it was! A lovely indigo corduroy for $2.00 a yard! :-O Wow! (You rarely find fabric at that low a price.)
It would be perfect for the dress for book two!
I was sure God was saying to use this fabric; my thoughts had been a burgundy corduroy, but, perhaps God had different plans. :)
Sometimes you have to be the one who is experiencing it to see God's blessing, but, I still wanted to share with you all. God has been so good. He didn't have to provide the material at such a wonderful price, but He did. I know He cares about what His children are doing. And when He does things such as this, though it may seem small, it is a certain assurance that He is there, and cares.
"For the ways of man are before the eyes of the Lord,
and He ponders all his paths." Proverbs 5:21
(Also makes you want to think about what you're doing eh? Knowing that God is seeing everything we do, and knowing how we spend our time!)
God is so good and generous, and well, nothing short of amazing! I just want to try to share as I see Him working...
"So you shall rejoice in every good thing which the Lord your God has given to you..."
Deuteronomy 26:11